Benchmark says the alert system pinpoints areas of underperformance down to the individual level. - Benchmark

Benchmark says the alert system pinpoints areas of underperformance down to the individual level.


Benchmark Data Suite, a provider of automotive solutions for decision-making across dealerships, launched the Benchmark Alert System. The company says the technology empowers dealers by leveraging their data when it matters most to enable performance improvements through real-time, actionable insights via weekly alerts.

Pinpointing areas of underperformance down to the individual level, the Benchmark Alert System is designed to provide transparency and drive accountability. Benchmark says dealerships are empowered to make informed, data-driven decisions that positively impact performance in real time. For larger auto groups, the system features a group view for a comprehensive display of all dealership data in one centralized location.

Key Features of the Benchmark Alert System:

  • Real-time alerts: Dealers receive weekly alerts that highlight areas of underperformance, allowing them to address issues promptly.
  • Granular insights: The system provides detailed metrics, such as individual sales representatives' "Up to Demo" and "Up to Write Up" percentages compared to store averages, helping managers identify specific areas for improvement.
  • Accountability and transparency: Dealers can assign an "owner" to each alert, ensuring tasks are assigned, communicated and resolved efficiently. The dashboard provides full visibility of both open and completed alerts.
  • Auto group view: This feature allows auto groups to view comprehensive data for all their dealerships on one centralized dashboard, which the company says saves time, energy and money for executive teams by presenting cleansed, apples-to-apples data and premade reports. 

“The Benchmark Alert System is designed to deliver transparency and drive accountability, allowing dealerships to make data-driven decisions that positively impact performance in real-time,” said company founder and CEO Dan Trinidad. “This innovative feature is a game-changer for dealerships looking to optimize their operations and enhance overall performance.”

For more information on the new features and the entire suite of Benchmark actionable decision-making solutions, visit its website

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